The TCI method has taken color analysis to the highest level. Where traditional color analysis only spoke in terms of warmth and coolness, we now know that 67% of people are actually somewhere in the middle… a combination! That’s why we include 8 additional neutral color palettes alongside the original Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn. All together, these 12 tonal seasons (color palettes) encompass the full range of colors in human beings. Human coloration is unique, complex, beautiful, and affected by three components: Hemoglobin, Keratin, and Melanin.

The Gold Standard

No Skin Tone Left Behind

Human coloration is diverse, beautiful, and affected by our undertones (color of our blood) and our natural skin pigmentation. 

Traditional color analysis focused on four true seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn. People were categorized as either a cool season: Winter and Summer (blue undertones) or warm season: Autumn and Spring (yellow undertones). 

We now know that 67% of people's undertones are neither just cool or warm but somewhere in the middle. 

Enter the TCI Method. Utilizing the colors in nature, 8 neutral seasons (cool/neutral and warm/neutral) have been added to the original 4 seasons. All together, these 12 tonal seasons (color palettes) encompass the full range of colors in human beings, ensuring every undertone is recognized and celebrated.

3 Dimensions of Color:

The 12 distinct areas of color space are distinguished from one another based on the three dimensions of colour; hue, value and chroma.

HUE: Do you need warm (yellow undertones), cool (blue undertones), or neutral (yellow/blue undertones)?

VALUE: Do you need light, dark or colors in between these two extremes?

CHROMA: Are colors with brightness and saturation better or do you need colors that are more soft and muted?

From Traditional to TCI